using regular expressions (REGEX) with mysql queries
I walk through a few common data cleanup regex patterns for mysqlPROJECT: timr
an open-source laravel-zero project that allows you track time spent on projectsPROJECT: bash-mission-log
a command line todo list, written entirely on bash. perfect for privacy.bash mission log
I released a new little bash tool to remind me of my daily goals every time I open my terminalPROJECT: Hugo Start
A template package to start static websites using Hugo, TailwindCSS, & PurgeCSSa re-usable, sharable, committable Honeybadger post-deployment script
If you use honeybadger, and want to track deployments, this script is for you.PROJECT: Alpine Transitions Previewer
an open source project to preview alpine transitions in realtimeNew opensource project- Alpine Transitions Previewer
a single page Alpine.js web app which allows you to preview & tweak Alpine.js transitions in real timeNew Update to Open Source Repository - Manny
I added a new feature to Manny, as well as changed the functionality a bit of the strip functionThe importance of being a part of a dev community
I just got started building open source software. Why did it take me this long?PROJECT: Manny
an open-source php package which helps with string manipulation/validation/cleaningMy first open source package
I just released my first open-source packageBootstrapVueFormBuilder
It is a way to quickly scaffold Bootstrap Vue forms